Names by meaning



Animals the Land, Geographic Characteristics Religion, saints
Art, poetry, music Nobility, leadership the sea, ocean, water
Beauty People and their tasks Sun, radiance, fire
Colors Personality traits warriors, courage
Fairies, elves, supernatural beings Physical characteristics  
Ireland, and places in Ireland Flowers, trees, nature Miscellaneous things

Personality Traits



Other Forms*


Abaoth (m) AH bee Abbáeth lustful
Adair a DARE Ó Daire usually Scottish, this name is sometimes found in Ireland. son of Dáire (fruitful)
Ádhamhnán (m) AH yum nawn Eunan fearful, timid
Aingeal (f) AHN gel (hard G as in goat) Angela this is the Irish word for 'angel', (from Latin)
Alannah (f) a LON na, a LAN na Alanna, Alana oh, child! An Irish term of endearment. Also used as a modern feminine form of Alan.
Ainbheartach (m) AN v'yar takh Ainbertach doer of evil deeds
Anamcha (m) AN am uh kka Animosus, Ambrose spirited
Anfudhán (m) AN fawn Anfudán turbulent; fiery person
Annora (f) an NOR a Onóra, Nóra Honor (from Latin)
Annstas, Stéise (f) ON stas, STEY sha Anastasia re-born (Greek)
Baoth (m) BEE Báeth reckless, wanton, vain
Baothán (m) BEE hawn Báethán diminutive of Baoth
Bradigan BRA di gan Ó Bradagáin spirited?
Brady BRAY dee Mac Bradaigh spirited?
Brennan BREN an Ó Braonáin possibly, "sorrow"
Breslin BRES lin Ó Breasláin strife?
Brona (f) BRO na Brónach sorrowful
Brónach (f) BRO nakh Brona, Bronagh sorrowful
Buan (m) BOO un - lasting; enduring
Caochán (m) KEEKH awn Keehan dim-sighted
Cara (f) KAR a, KAIR a Kara, Carragh Irish word for " friend"
Cian (m) KEE in Keane ancient
Coinneach (m, sometimes f) KAN yakh Cainneach, Canice, Charles, Kenny sorrowful
Corley COR lee Ó Thoirdealbhaigh abettor; instigator
Daibhí (m) DA vee Daibhead Beloved (Hebrew): form of David
Dáire (m) DAW reh Darragh, Dary, Dudley fruitful, fertile
Dáirine (f) DAW rin yeh Darina fruitful, fertile
Dálach (m) DAWL akh Daly one who frequents assemblies
Dalbhach (m) DUL vakh Dalbach guileful; full of sorcery
Dallán (m) DA lawn Dallan blind
Darina (f) dar EE na Dáiríne fruitful
Darragh (m) DAR a Dáire, Mac Dara fruitful, son of the oak
Dary (m) DAIR ee Dáire fruitful
Deaglán (m) DEG lawn Declan, Declán possibly- full of goodness?
Declan (m) DEK lan Deaglán possibly- full of goodness?
Delaney de LAIN ee Ó Dubhshláine dark health? perhaps refers to river Slaney
Dermot (m) DER mit Diarmuid, Diarmaid without injunction or envy? freeman? charioteer?
Dianaimh (f) D'YAN iv Dianam flawless
Diarmaid (m) DEER mid Dermot, Diarmuid, Diarmait, Jeremiah, Jerome, Jeremy, Dudley without injunction or envy? freeman? charioteer?
Duaibhseach (f) DOO uv shakh Duaibsech sad; sorrowful; melancholy
Eachann (m) Eachdonn, Hector Eachdonn, Hector form of the Norse name Haakon- "useful; handy"
Eadbhárd (m) Edward Edward from the English Edward "wealth protector"
Éadroma (f) AYD rum a Étromma giddyness; light-headedness
Éimhín (m) Evin, Éimíne Evin, Éimíne prompt, ready
Eláir (m) Hilarius, Hilary Hilarius, Hilary from Latin- "cheerful; happy"
Étaín (f) Aideen, Éadaoin Aideen, Éadaoin jealousy
Evin (f/m) Éimhín, Aoibheann Éimhín, Aoibheann prompt; ready, radiant
Fachtna (m/f) FAKHT na Festus, Festie, Fantasius Malicious; hostile
Farrell FAR rul, FAIR rul Ó Fearghal valorous
Fearchar (m) FAR char Farquar friendly
Felic (m) FEH lik Felix From Latin- "happy, blessed"
Fial (f) FEE ul Feale modest; honorable; generous
Fidelma (f) fi DEL ma Feidhelm ever good
Gaimhreadhán (m) GUV uh rawn Gaimredán wintry person
Garbhán (m) GAR vawn Garvan, Garbán rough
Garvan (m) GAR vin Garbhán rough
Grady GRAI dee Ó Gradaigh illustrious
Gráinne (f) GRAW nya Grania, Grace, Gertrude, Griselda "inspiring terror" or "grain"
Grania (f) GRON ya, GRAW nya Gráinne grain, or inspires terror
Íor (m) EER Ír long lasting
Jarmy (m) JAR mee Diarmaid, Dermot without injunction or envy? freeman? charioteer?
Kean (m) KEEN, KANE Cian ancient or enduring
Laobhán (m) LAY vawn Láebán crooked, skewed
Larkin LAR kin Ó Lorcáin rough or fierce
Leannán (m) LYUH nawn - sweetheart
Lonnóg (f) LUNN oag - bold; eager
Lorcan (m) LOR can Lorccán, Laurence cruel or fierce
Lorcán (m) LUR a cawn Lorccán, Lorcan cruel or fierce
Maeve (f) MAIV Meadhbh intoxicating one
Maon (m & f) MAIN - silent- Celtic god name
Meadhbh (f) MAVE Maeve, Medb, Méabh, Margery she who intoxicates
Meegan MEE gan Ó Miadhagáin honorable
Miach (m & f) MEE uch - horable; proud
Mochta (m) MUCH ta - great
Mór (f) MORE Moreen, Móirín, Mary, Agatha, Martha great
Muirne (f) MWIRN yeh Myrna high spirited, festive
Myrna (f) MUR na Muirne high spirited, festive
Neacht (f) NYACHT - pure
Neasa (f) NES sa Nessa, Neas, Ness not gentle
Neil (m) NEEL Niall, Neal cloud, or vehement
Neila (f) NEE la - cloud or vehement- modern fem. of Neil
Nelda (f) NEL da - cloud or vehement- modern fem. of Neil
Nessa (f) NES sa Neasa, Neas, Ness not gentle
Niall (m) NEE ul Neil, Neal, Néill, Nicholas, Nigel cloud or passionate; vehement
Niallán (m) NEE ul awn Neylon, Nealon dim. of Niall (cloud or passionate; vehement)
Nóirín (f) no REEN Noreen little Nóra (see also)
Nora (f) NO ra Onóra, Annora, Honora, Nóra from Latin- honor
Noreen (f) nor EEN Nóirín little Nóra (see also)
Ólchobhar (m) OLE chur Ólchobar lover of drink
Onóra (f) uh NO ra Annora, Nora Honor (from Latin)
Póilín (f) PO aleen Pauline, Pauleen from Latin Paul (Fem. form)- small
Pól (m) POLE Paul from Latin- "small"
Quinn KWIN Ó Cuinn, Con, Coinneach sense; intelligence or pleasant person
Rádhalbh(m) RAW ulv Ralph From the German Raedwulf (Ralph)- crafty counselor
Reilly RYE ul ee, RYE lee Ó Raghallaigh, Riley valiant?
Robhartach (m) RO ar takh Robartach "rushing; impetuous"
Rodhlann (m) RUH lan Roland from Germanic, "famous land"
Roibeard (m) RU bard Robert from Germanic- "bright fame"
Sadhbh (f) SIVE Sive, Sadbh, Sophie, Sophia, Sarah, Sally, Sabina sweet, goodly
Samhradhán (m) SOW rawn Samradán summery person
Saraid (f) SAR ad Sárait, Sarah excellent, best
Seanán (m) SHAN awn Senan old, ancient
Searc (f) SHARK Serc Love; affection
Shannon (m/f) SHAN nin Shannen, Shannyn etc. Celtic goddess name, a river named for her. Also an anglicization of surname Seanán- "old one." Shannon is also the name of Ireland's main international airport.
Sive (f) SIVE Sadhbh sweet
Sláine (f) SLAW nyeh, SLAWN ya Slaney, Slanina health, from a Celtic goddess name
Somhairle (m) SO ar leh Sorley, Samuel, Charles from Norse, "summer wanderer"
Sorcha (f) SUR a ka Sarah, Sally bright, radiant
Sorley (m) SORE lee Somhairle from Norse, summer wanderer
Suaibhseach (f) SOO uv shach Suaibsech gracious; kindly
Suanach (f) SOO un ach - drowsy
Suibhne (m) SIV neh - well-going
Taichleach (m) TAL akh Tallach placating; peacemaking
Tallula (f) ta LOO la Tuilelaith lady of abundance
Tassach (m) TASS ukh - perhaps, "idle; inactive"
Téide (f) T'YAY d'yeh Téite wantonness
Toirdhealbhach (m) TUR a lakh Turlough, Tairdelbach, Charles abettor
Torna (m) TOR na - puffed-up?
Turlough (m) TUR lukh Toirdhealbhach abettor
Uallach (f) OO uhl ach - proud; arrogant
Uallachán (m) OO uhl ach awn Houlihan little proud; arrogant man
Uallgarg (m) OOL a gar ug, WAL a gar ug - fierce pride
Uilleam (m) WILL yam, ILL yam William, Liam from Germanic William- "resolute protector"

* names in italics represents names that have no etymological connection to the Irish name, but were used as English "translations" based upon the fact that they have similar sounds or meanings.