Name Nerds main
Your Favorite Names
: What names do YOU like? Here is the master database of names readers have submitted over the past decade or so.
What does your name (sort of) really mean
? Accurate AND (somewhat) entertaining!
Find your naming profile
! Find out what type of naming personality type you have--our most popular feature
Random Name Generator
Sick of trying to come up with the perfect name? Let fate assign you one!
What names do you DISLIKE?
Here are some names that Namenerds readers think you should avoid.
Take it Off
But first get yourself a porn star name!
The Great Middle Name Survey
Take our middle name survey
Let the
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Irish Name Generator
Find an Irish name.
Dickensian Character Generator
: looking for a name for your Victorian novel characters?
Mail Bag
Rock 'n' Roll Generator
soon you will have the ultimate name for your band!