are some e-mails we've gotten over the years. We weren't sure where to
post them, so here they are! Some are various stories about how people
chose the names they did for their children, as well as other names they
think deserve other people to take into consideration. Some emails praise
our great work, some are hate letters for some of our content (we thought
it was only fair to post everything)!
we're useful!
When I was about to become a grandparent 2 years ago, I fretted about
what I and my wife should be called. I found your website and discovered
that the Irish for grandfather was "daddo," so I decided to make it my
name (and because it sounded so close to "daddy-oh"). My wife wanted to
be called "mimi." Not leaving the name choice to our new granddaughter,
we had everyone refer to us by these names. Now our granddaughter Taryn
chimes these names to our great delight. Thanks for putting together this
unique website.
View on Juniors
I have an alternate view
of naming a son with his dad's first name but a different middle name.
I think it only causes more confusion. Take the example of my uncle (Craig
Michael) and his son (Craig David). The son couldn't be called Craig Jr,
because his name wasn't identical to his father's. He became Craiger,
and Craiger he will always be stuck with. He has tried to escape it, which
worked for a while when he could be Little Craig and his father Big Craig.
But now Little Craig stands 6'6" to Big Craig's 6'4". He could be Young
Craig, but his father didn't relish being Old Craig. To make matters worse,
only people within the family call him Craiger, so when people call the
house asking for Craig, they can never be sure who they'll get. All because
his mother didn't want a Junior.
Goths want
to name their kids Sunshine Rainbow Unicorn
hey,i somehow
found your site while searching on the Internet.I just wanna say that
it is very good,and very informative,but the section on the Gothic baby
names was just a tad bit insulting.I would also like to say that if your
going to post names categorized stereotypically,get your information correct
on that particular "label".goths are not always depressed and
not all of us have something to do with the devil or demonic ties.you
could have labeled the category "evil names "instead of "goth
If you actually do take this message into consideration,thank you for
you time..
you take time to read the introduction to the Goth
name page, you'll see that it's not meant to be taken completely
seriously. I've been a weekend-goth for decades, and my goth friends
all think the page is kind of funny (yes, some goths do have a sense
of humor), and one or two found ideas for pets and/or screen names.
Not every goth is as serious as the above commenter, and if I tried
to placate every person who was offended by something on this website,
it would be a blank grey page with possibly the word 'hello' on it
(although I'm sure that would offend someone as well). Or, it would
simply be shut down, as has been requested by numerous e-mailers (but
that would offend ME; where does it end?). |
Baby Gothling
Name + complements!
I really love
the site *is a huge dork* And I thought I'd send a name to you. A kind
gothy friend of mine had a baby girl a couple weeks ago and she named
her Odile.I looked at the little section with musical and poetic names
and saw that Odette is listed there. I'm not sure how familiar you are
with ballet, but in swan lake Odile is the black swan sent to charm the
prince and stop him from freeing Odette from her curse. Just thought I'd
share that with you, and tell you the site is pretty great.
Reason to Love Unusual Names
The saga of Our Moms, Laura Burch really reminded me of a
friend of mine in high school who lived a very similar jumble of identity
based solely on same names. Through some freak accident of parental remarriage
and overly-zealous legal adoptions by said parental units, my friend Michelle
ended up with an older sister named Michelle (from her new dads
previous marriage), an even older brother named Stacey (also dads
contribution to the nightmare) *and* a younger sister Stacey (this one
moms fault)! To compound my friend Michelles lasting misery,
not only did the adoption frenzy ensure that they all had the same relatively
uncommon last nameremember, this is 2 Michelles and 2 Staceys (1
of each gender!) but just to sweeten the sarcasm from the universe,
*all four kids attended the same high school within an 8-year span from
brother Stacey down to sister Stacey*!!! You can just imagine, Im
sure, how confused the high school teachers were. My friend heard But
I already taught this kid! about nine times just her freshman year.
Since Michelle was one year behind me in attending the same high school
after we met in middle school, I was actually on hand for several such
incidents during my own sophomore year. I was never happier to have an
uncommon nameonly one other girl at my school had the same first
name, and not only was she about 150 pounds heavier than me at the time,
she dropped out after about 4 months, leaving me the sole bearer of what
is actually my middle name (and yes, I did take the middle name survey
Some People
are Sane in this World! Thank You!
Hi! I just wanted to write you a note after reading through the emails
in the mail bag. For some reason I found it so funny all the people who
wrote in to complain that their name or a loved one's name was found in
the "dont use these names" area. I think it was funny for 2 different
reasons-#1: If we all avoided all the names and types of names that are
listed there-we would just have to be called Person 1 and Person 2 and
so on, cause there is every type of name imaginable-(don't name your kids
anything: old fashioned,new fashioned, creative, boring, after people,
places, things or events, dont give them nicknames, dont name them with
only nicknames and so on) and #2: Who cares?! Everyone's opinions on names
are so varied that no matter what name you have someone is bound to dislike
it! So if you like your name or your childs name-then don't worry about
what other's think of it! Personally my name is on the bad name list (
Kate or Katie) and several names I am especially fond of are on the list
too-that certainly dosn't detour me! Because whether I name my child Jane
or Krystialinishakma, someone's not going to like it! Just wanted to share
that! ps.-a note to the person who is "making up her own language" and
decided that Aiko is a good "made up name"-Aiko is actually a fairly common
Japanese name translating to "beloved child". Someone didn't do any research
on their made up language!!
An Unusual
Hi! I do LOVE your site! Here's a name that someone I am acquainted with
named their baby girl.... Derby Jane Amie Derby for the hat that the father
loves best, Jane in case she wants a "normal" name and Amie-not Amy-the
French word for friend, pron. *Ah-mi* I can't say that I am a fan of this
conglomeration, but it is defiantly unusual so I thought I would send
it on!
A Male Kelly's
My name is Kelly (and a male one at that). I have been a frequent visitor
of your site for over two years. I have learned a lot from the articles
on your site, and I am a frequent poster on the Unusual Names Bulletin
Board (I log in and post as Kelly716). In addition, I also frequently
visit www.behindthename.com. The thing that I like discussing the most
is my stand on the unisex name issue. As I mentioned, I am a male Kelly,
and I am all for boys reclaiming the names taken by the girls! I am proud
of my unisex name! When I have children, I will continue the tradition
by giving my sons unisex names. My favorites right now are Ashley, Kelly
(my own!), Lindsay, Robin, Sasha, Shannon, and Sidney. However, there's
plenty of non-unisex boy's names that I like, too. For girls, I tend to
like names that most think of as "dated". My favorites are names popular
around the 1950s or so such as Linda, Nancy, and Susan. However, there's
plenty of other girl's names that I like. The main category of girls names
that I don't like, as you can probably guess, are names that used to be
boy's names. This mail is not anything specific; I thought that I'd let
you know about me and my beliefs.
Ooh, I'm
gonna cry!
Norah, Why didn't you add your name to the awful names list? P.S. You
should always proofread your web-pages before letting other people see
them. Good thing this isn't a professionals website.
I am but
the messenger.
Dear Ms. Burch: I do appreciate your Name Nerds website; it is a great
resource and great fun and I applaud all the time you put into it. However,
(running the risk of sounding thin-skinned) I have a few considerations
for you to think over. First of all, I am concerned that your stereotype
polls might encourage disrespectful racial stereotypes. I noticed that
people always vote "drug dealer" for African-American-sounding and Spanish
names and "gas station attendant" for Arabic names. I am confident that
you never intended it to be hurtful, so you might want to think about
how other people might see it. Just something to think about. Secondly,
I have no objection to you (or whoever submitted it to your website) not
liking biblical names, but if someone felt that their beliefs were disrespected
by that, they might decide not to read the rest of your website and therefore
miss out on what it has to offer. As a courtesy and in the interest of
making your website fun and accessible to everyone, you might want to
consider leaving out inflamatory statements like Paul was a misogynist
and making a sexual implication about God and Mary. Thanks for reading
and giving consideration to my concerns. Again, I appreciate what you're
doing and hope that you take this email in a constructive and positive
Khmer Name
My personal favourite is the Khmer (Cambodian) name Botum, which actually
means princess. I found it on the Behind The Name website!
Hate My
I found your site from doing the lame name google. Anyway, read your definition
for Keelyn, and I have to say, "Keely" is NOT a cute nick name
for "Keelyn". I was called Keely when I was a little girl from
my grandparents and I hate it! So, maybe it sounds cute, but it isn't.
should just call this page READ THE DISCLAIMER!!!
Well, my name is Sayward. No, really it is and yes I know it kind
of sounds like seaweed, but it is unique and far from boring. I dont
know the meaning of it but I can honestly say that nobody forgets it.
My father named me and just to set the record strait; no he was not on
drugs when he gave me my beautiful name. I am just wondering what your
problem is? Do you dislike your name so much that you have to try and
put everyone else down? Or do you think you are Gods gift to the
world? You have a right to your own opinion, but I sincerely think that
this was one of the most immature websites I have ever visited and you
need to find something more positive to fill your pathetic life.
I can't believe I forgot that one!
I just stumbled upon your website while Googling "middle name for
Anne" (if I have a daughter, I would love to name her Anne, but I
need ideas for a middle name!). Anyway, I have always loved names myself
and I am loving your site! I have an addition to your list of character
names that Julia Roberts has played: I am a fan of the 80's movie Mystic
Pizza in which she played Daisy Arujo. Just thought I would send this
gem your way! (:-)
List Idea
What to name your Army Brat; Air Force Brat; Marine Corps Brat; Navy Brat;
Coast Guard Brat.
I'm working
on it, seriously!
Hi Ms. Burch! I'm a big fan of your site, because I love unusual names!
(I'm only 13 and look for names for characters lol) But I have a suggestion:
Maybe you could create lists of names from different ethnic origins like
British, American, Japanese, Russian, French, Spanish, Egyptian, etc...Using
names that people submit with their meaning. I know a lot of people who
would love it!
My email
address isn't professional enough
I was reading your site, and I thought I would e-mail you. I don't know
if you use this same e-mail for your personal things, but Lion Tamer isn't
exactly a profesional e-mail name. My name is Brittni. That is how I ventured
to your site. Curiosity on Google. I searched for Brittni. My name is
not said BrittANY. I once had a gymnastics coach who said that there used
to be a ship named Brittany, so that is what he called me, but there is
no A in my name. It is simply Britt ni. Anyways, point made. Just curios
about the whole e-mail thing.
flattered by the use of the word "nerd"!
Who are you to say which names are least favourite and I suppose that
your name is the best name in the world init ? DONT THINK SO AND
are Sarcastic
I must say as a fellow Bostonian - you crack me up!! Only someone from
Boston could be so sarcastic! I am expecting my 6th child and frequent
your website in search of another name. I could have my own list!
Read the
Hey, that is rude to tell people not to name their child Kaitlyn when
my name is Caitlin.
Can find a nickname for anything!
I thought it strange that Hazel was on your "no nicknames"
list. The reason I love the name is BECAUSE of the potential nicknames.
I have a good friend named Zel (short for Rapunzel) and I have always
liked the idea of using Zel as a nickname for Hazel (or Florizel, or Zelda...).
I also like the idea of naming a child Hazel Maylis and giving her the
nickname "Hazey May". Just wanted to comment. Love the site.
in the Philippines
F irstly I must congratulate you on a highly interesting an allround
cool website My name is Ewen, I am 24 and presently reside in Scotland.
I was bored earlier today and was browsing and came across your site,
I checked for my name and for the name of my wife, which to my surprize
you have listed :) Her name is Jaina and I wanted to mention to you that
the pronunciation of her name is 'High-nah' and not 'Jay-nah' or 'Jane-ah'
I believe this could possibly be just be a regional pronunciation of Jaina
as she is from the Philippines, but I thought you may have been interested
to know. Thank you for maintaining a worthwhile website, they are becoming
harder to find these days
Meant "Normal" Nicknames!
Some of the names on your "No-Nicknames Names" do in fact
have nicknames. ^_^
Ashley/Ashton: Ash
Jasmine: Jazzy
Leah (my own name): Lee, Lele, Liah
Tabitha: Tabs
Tiffany: Tiff
Channing: Chan
Duncan: Dunk
Harris: Harry
Hunter: Hunt
Travis: Travy
I really enjoyed you site, especially looking at your most hated list!
It is nice to find somewhere that doesn't pretend to like every name going.
Of course you should take things with a pinch of salt and if you really
do like a name then this site shouldn't put you off or offend...the messages
I've read here indicate there are quite a few people out there with no
sense of humour or extremely sensitive about their name choices! It's
sad to say but my name doesn't appear ~ Lisa ~ can we not change that?
i have been Moaner Lisa, Lisa the Pisa or Lethal...or worst of all Leeeza
since the day I was born I think!
It's nice to see Scottish and Irish names here too, as i am in the UK
and my little boy is Callum ( cah- lum).
Found our Site Useful!
We named our son Caden Bradaigh Kerr - we found the Caden & Bradaigh
names on your website - my mother was called Kay (she passed away last
year) & my youngest brother Dan (passed away in 1983 ) so Caden sounded
like the 2 names together & was unusual enough & Irish enough
to fit exactly what we wanted. We love how the names flow together. Thanx
for the help in naming # 6 (the 1st in almost 19 years - quite a surprise
to say the least)
Has a Sci-Fi Name
I love your site, it’s very fun and unusual, and I found my name in the
sci-fi section, keep up the good work!
is a Name
Hi- I was just playing with your name list and YES! Reenie IS a name-
as a matter of fact, it's MY NAME! Reenie is a great name to have- I have
only ever met one other Reenie. Reenie is my nickname and is short for
Maureen- which does not suit me at all!!! Great site!
can't help but Blush with emails like this
I just wanted to say ‘Thanks’ for such an exhaustive and thorough website.
My wife and I are coming down to the wire trying to find both a boy’s
and a girl’s name to go with our 2 year old’s (Kieran), and your site
helped a lot. We have narrowed it down to Rourke or Beckett for a boy,
and the best we can find for a girl is Cait. Thanks for all the food for
thought and the obvious work that went into it.
Names Can Be a Blessing in Disguise
My name is Falon Marie. I used to hate my name. Growing up I had to endure
so many teachers and students mispronouncing my name. It was so embarrassing.
It didn't help matters that I was so shy in elementary school. I hated
telling people my name because I knew they would screw it up somehow.
You wouldn't think it would be that difficult, but you would be suprised
with how many times people called me Falcon and thought I was a boy. My
mom got my name off of a soap opera named Dynasty. I hated my name until
one day I came across an article that said that everybody was given their
name for a reason and they should respect it. Then I started thinking
that maybe the reason I recieved my name was so it would force me to talk
more and wouldnt be as shy. So after that I started appreciating my name.
Now im 21 and I have realized that my name is a great conversation starter
when i meet guys. Finally I love my name. Oh by the way love the site.
I love hearing what other people think about different names.
My Name
(Kate) is Boring.
I have a boring, all american, overused name. I'd like a useful but not
too bizarre nickname. I sooo enjoyed your site and will visit it often.
the Ambigender Name Article
just writing to say i love your Name Nerds site - specially the article
on why girls should not have boys names. i'm an Ashley and people keep
thinking im a boy online or seeing my name on paper :( i also hate tomboys
- why try to look like a boy - prettiness and girlness are the best parts
of being a girl!
are another good way to honor relatives
I have another way to honnor a realitive with out using their exact name.
My Great-Grandmother's name was Naomi Ethlyn Buttler Steed. The nickname
given to her was Gem. My intials are G. E. M. This is just another creative
way to honor a family member. She knew what my intails stood for and so
do most of my other family, but I don't have to explain a weird first/middle
name to others.
Plus for Unique Names
I have a humerous story for you regarding same names. My name is Rebecca
Meyer, and at my college, it is the most common name, with seven of us
(total population of college is 4000). I had a boyfriend that cheated
on me with another Rebecca Meyer! Her name was Rebecca June Meyer and
she was known as Rebecca Two (to his friends). I did not know he was cheating
on me, and that he had two girlfriends with the same name, but how would
I find out? If someone asked him if he was going out with Rebecca Meyer,
he was, but he was going out with two of them!
a Good Resource for Writers
Hi, thanks for your website! I love it. I am a 'name nerd', have been
ever since I was a baby. I write a lot, and when I was around four or
five, I would make up stories. The girls in the stories always would have
names like Adrianna Elizabeth Brittanica Rosejoy or something, and the
boys would be called Bob or Joe or something. My parents always teased
me about my long-name liking. Probably because my name is so short, Jami,
and its not even a nickname, just Jami. I like long names because if you
dont like your name you can think up a nickname.When I am 18 (my parents
wont let me do it now) I am changing my name to Jamilynde Aoibhegréine-Éibhleann.
The latter two names I got off the Irish names part of your website, the
first name I made up because its like my name, Jami, but different. My
first daughter will named Eshgrayna Avlynn, which is pronounced the same
way as Aoibhegréine-Éibhleann, my prospective two middle
names, but this way not as many people will dispronounce (is that a word?)
her names. If its a boy it will be Aidan-Taylor, a lot easier!
thank you
for having such an awesome web-site!
My girlfriend and I have a baby on the way. We looked at site after site
of traditional names, and then we found yours. You have the most unique
and progressive names available! the interactive features are great, the
"find your naming profile" tool was dead on and directed me
to a list so full of awesome names that I got name overload! I haven't
explored the rest of the site yet, but I'm sure it's just as good! What
a valuable resource! Keep up the great work!
Please Read
the Disclaimer Next Time
I read what names you do not approve, and many of my friends are named
those names, and I don't know another name like that. I don't know your
name, but I can tell that you are snobby, judgmental, and cruel just by
reading what you have written.That site is a waste of cyberspace. Thank
you very much.
My Kid Needs
I was searching the web looking for baby names for my next child when
my eight year old son walked into the room and noticed the stork with
the blanket ,"Please don't name me Tyler"on it. He was very
hurt as that is his name. I explained that his name is so popular that
they don't want anyone else to have it or it won't be special anymore.
I am not so sure he bought this though. But I did leave your web site.
I would have browsed longer but I didn't want my son's feelings hurt anymore.
I would hope you would reconsider this and take other people's feelings
into consideration.
Love the
name Abby
to whoever it may concern: your web site is a good idea, but unfortunatley,
your "names to aviod" list is somewhat hateful. the very first
name on that list just so happens to be my name and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think i am unique b/c very few girls are named Abby. also my sisters
name is on there and she is the only one in her school, church, and place
of employment. so why avoid these names? they are beautiful. you should
consider those you are hurting by posting this and keep yours and others
opinions to yourself. you know the name
I love your site! It accually made me feel better to know that in the
2000's list, Marissa is more popular than Melissa. (( I wanted Marissa
since I hate my name, Melissa )) I just had a suggestion on another article
that you could write about. I've noticed a lot of twins are named alike,
and dressed alike. I would hate to be in their shoes, because it would
be saying that they are exacly the same, with no induvidual personality
or anything. That's why we all (( or at least I think we all )) want different
names. To make us unique. I'd just hate to be Selene Marissa Hunter, twin
sister to Serene Karissa Hunter. Just a suggestion...
me Bootsie
My name is unfortunately one of the most common...Elizabeth Miller. However
my parents nicknamed me Bootsie. Yes, Bootsie. I would love for you to
add my obviously unusual and humiliating nickname to your list. From the
time of pre-school until 6th grade I heard every name that went with Bootsie.
Fruitsie, Tootsie, Pootsie, Buttsie, Butty, Booty, some kid called me
Italy because it was shaped like a boot! After 6th grade I went by Liz.
I also have the pleasure of knowing an astrologist who named his children
"Dwinkle" and "Moonlander" imagine having those names!
and Uniqueness are important in names
I'm fond of the name Chazzmon and Jazzmon, which are pronounced exactly
the way they look *smile* They are simply two syllable names. My twin
boy and girl own those names. Chazzmon is my son's name and Jazzmon is
my daughter's name. My son and daughter all called Chazz and Jazz for
short. Chazz get's "Chad" alot and tends to get slighty annoyed,
most nine yr. olds do when that happens lol. I'm an African American woman
and with that being said the majority of my race generally tend to like
unusual and exotic names. Which i'm extremely proud of. My childrens'
name is of no profound meaning, however, they are of great importance
to me because of their individuality and uniqueness.
More Interesting
form of Eve
I had a baby girl and as she was my first I wanted to name her Eve, but
it was too plainly spelt so I decided to spell it Yve.
me Bumper
Although my real name is Vasco, I also have a legal nickname in parenthesis
in my birth certificate. My parents got "Bumper" from an old
movie and mini-series called "The Blue Knight" which starred
actor William Holden as Bumper - a tough Chicago cop.
way of picking out son's name
My name is Bob. My wife's name is Jennifer. Our daughter is Kristin. Then
we went nuts. We named our son Tygget. When my wife was pregnant with
our son, we announced the pregnancy to my in-laws (What's the difference
between in-laws and outlaws? Outlaws are wanted!) with a card on Grandparent's
Day signed by our daughter and the initials T.G.T.B.N.L. (which stood
for The Grandchild To Be Named Later). My mother-in-law saw this and pronounced
the initials (Who's Tigutbunnel?"). Well, after that we always referred
to the baby as Tigut or Tigutbunnel. Finally, we decided we really did
like the name and we spelled it Tygget. It looks vaguely Scandinavian
that way and if he really hates his name he can call himself Ty. I sort
of wanted to spell it Tygyt so that it was spelled the same forward and
backward, (but we decided it looked funny!) We did have some question
at the end of the pregnancy, though ("Are we really the kind of people
who would do this to their child?" It turns out that we are.) I hope
he likes his name. We didn't do this to be mean or funny, we really like
the name. Nor did we do it in reaction to our names. We like our names,
too. Tygget is certainly attached to his name at this point (he's 2 1/2).
Whenever we tease him by asking if he's an elephant or a piano or something
he always looks at us with a big frown and says, "No. Me Tyggy!")
Although I am ALWAYS Bob and my wife is ALWAYS Jennifer (don't try Jenny
or Jen, she'll wallop you!) and Kristin is ALWAYS Kristin (although I
will sometimes call her Kristinopolis) but Tygget is Tygget and Tyggy
and Tygs interchangably.
of Stephanie
When I have children I want them to have a name that can be their own
person and not the stereotypes that come with the name. I've endeoured
many years of being called Step-On-Me (from Stephanie if you didn't know
lol), and having at least two other Stephanie's in my classes in high
school. On with the names....
don't add my name to your list
Hello, My name is unique. So, I really enjoyed browsing through your website.
As far as I know I am the only RHYTHM in the world. I have a sister named
RHAPSODY who happened to name her daughter-REALITIE. As you can see "R"
names have run in this family for 5 generations. Common names just do
not cut it. I would like my name to remain unique so please do not add
my name to your list. I cannot speak for my sister.
Crickett's opinion of the name Crickett
Crickett spell it with 2 T's that way in school it will be different than
a bug.. and...there was a girl on a soap opera that was named Crickett...
now my name is Crickett and i hate it.. b.c i am 13 and its a name ppl
make fun of.. please if your going to name ur child pick a name that you
would wanna be called... if u wouldn't want to be called it don't name
ur child that... also use a good middle name like Crickett Haylee that
was she can go by the middle name
fond of the name Lauren
Kindly take the - (ahem, what shall I call it? For now let me give it
the benefit of the doubt and call it a name) - name Lauren of the Classic
Conservative list of names. It does not belong there. It is a horrible,
invented, trendy monstrosity. I cannot tell you how much I hate this name.
I was stuck with it for sixteen years! It is not "from history and
myth", and has only really been used in any significant way since
the 1980's (Oh, gee, what a history!). It was invented by some S &
M Hollywood idiot producer for Betty-Joan Perske, who later became Lauren
Bacall. Apparently his little scheme was to tell everyone it was an old
Hungarian family name (I very nearly threw up when I read that). And guess
what: Lauren Bacall doesn't like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (She's still
Betty to her friends). Obviously, neither do I. I'm Elizabeth now and
happier than ever, thank you! All right, I feel a little better now. In
conclusion, the name Lauren belongs on a Trendy Modern list, not a Classic
Conservative one!
Live Kaitlyn and Tyler
I gotta tell you: I ran across your site, and I just screamed with laughter.
My wife's cousin had twins last year and... you guessed it, Kaitlyn and
from an Armenian!
Parev; Katieoush Doylekian and Norahoush Bahbahburchian. who is the the
one that knows that Armenians are generally humorless, I can say that
since I am Armenian? Did someone have a horrible experience in Watertown,
MA? How did you come up with the idea for this? Seriously it is hilarious.
Although any Armenian knows the names are almost total fakes the generators
you built makes the most interesting multi-syllabic pseudo Armenian names.
What has been the response of Armenians in general? I hope they are laughing
like me. I printed about 12 of them for my work mates.
My mother has a friend named ANDRETTA from her parents names Andrew and
Gretta. I like the name. - I went to school with a brother and sister
named CARLOS GEORGE and GEORGENE CARLETTA. Both names were derived from
their parents Carl and Georgia. - My sisters name is ROBINETTE, because
of my fathers fascination with his own name, Robert Robinson. - One of
my friend's name is Machesha Shadonna from her parents names Micheal and
Donna. They kept the "ch" in her first name to resemble Micheal.
We hope
she doesn't kill us when she gets older...
My wife and I have just had a daughter. We named her Krundcoot, Which
is Inuit for short fat man who smells like fish) we hope she will see
the funny side when she gets older.
are meaningless
I'm sorry, but i send you a fun email about my daughter and you reply
in a rude tone. Name lists based on stats are not only inaccurate, they
are often a false representation of actual feelings. Don't bother to reply,
i won't be reading or looking at anything in your web site again and will
be forwarding your rude message to everyone i know, including the person
i was looking up names for. your site should be shut down
about K names
I like names spelled with the letter K. I have two daughters, one named
Klaeborne (usually spelled Claiborn) and my other daughters name is Korte'Lyn.
I would love to name my next child something really unique since it will
be my last child. I in love with the name Kortes which is my maiden name
(actually spelled Cortez) for a boy. And for a girl Keurious (Curious)
or Knowledge.
German Name
Here is an unusual first name not on your lists. It is for a female: Blidma.
It is attested on a US Census form from Westport CT USA in 1870. The ethnic
background is Rheinland (Hesse) German Christian; whether R.C. or Lutheran
or Reformed, I cannot be sure, but I think it is likely to be Lutheran.
Her birth-date is about 1850 and she was an eldest daughter. Unfortunately,
I do not know the naming patterns of her mother's family, nor, yet, even
the name and provenance of her mother's family. Nevertheless, the name
has been independently testified to by two elderly ladies in their 80's:
both spontaneously recalled an "Aunt Blidma". I have asked educated native
German-speakers, who have not recognized it. I have consulted all the
sources in several languages that I have access to in a big university
library. Is this puzzle of any use/interest to your website?
job from the UK!
I just wanted to say how much I like this website. I've just looked at
'Names your spellchecker rejects' from the lists of the week archive,
and it gave me a good laugh! When my name (Sian) goes through the spellcheck,
it usually comes out as Sinai or something like that. I also think the
Name-o-Tron is great, because I've got some names out of it that I really
like, such as Sietta! I've tried using the same technique by choosing
and mixing up beginnings, middles and endings from some of my favourite
names, and come out with things like Ooralei, which is a little odd, but
nice! I like looking at the lists on the site to see names which I think
are nice, but don't get used often. When I put weird names in stories
I write, people often comment on them in a negative way, which is a shame
as I think we should all try to be more original with our lives. My cat
has quite a strange name, even for a cat, which is Rug. He got that name
when he started coming in through o ur cat-flap before we adopted him.
My dad thought he looked like a big black rug, and the name stuck!
My unusual name is annoying!
My mother named me "Dayla," pronounced just like it is spelled. It was
pronounced "Dana", (no "N"), "Darla", (no "R"). I could always tell when
someone was about to call my name, always a long pause. Several years
ago I legally changed my name to a Shannon it is SOOOOO much better, that
people can now spell and pronounce my name.
from Australia!
I would like to thankyou for making my job a heck of a lot easier to find
an unusual baby name. All my life I have been trying to find a "site"
or book with my name in it - "Tanis". I aways told myself oneday I would
find it. Now I know I can find another unusual name just like my parents
did for me.
is nice, but...
I do think I have a pretty name, but come on. There were 5 other Heathers
in my class. And we ALL had Marie as a middle name! Thank goodness those
names are not as popular as they were 10 years ago.
My name is Allton
My name is Allton and I have only found two other people with that name
one is my grandfather and the other is a writer. I use to hate that name
but I grew to love it because no one else has it and I would have really
hated for my name to be so common. I have ran into a couple Alton's but
no Allton's, just one "L" makes a whole lot of difference.
More missing names
that spell words can be fun
My name is Sarita Grace Taub and I am married to Randall Abraham Taub.
Yes, The sergeant is married to a rat, we've heard all before. But I should
point out that my maiden name was "Simon". For all of my formative years,
I've always been plagued with the "Simple Simon" label. Though his parents
may have insisted on naming my husband and his brother (Jason Eric Taub,
jet) using middle names that would spell out something, I still prefer
being a Sarge over beign a Simpleton any day! Still please warn potential
name seekers of the hazards of naming a child is such a way that they
will forver bear a psychological burden of the dreaded nick-name.
van een Nederlandse Sterrin
Why is Sterrin an alternative for the name Stephen? Sterrin is a GIRLSname!
Life Has Been Full of Mispronunciations
I grew up with a wildly common last name. To avoid confusion, my parents
chose to give me an unusual first name. I was named "Marit" - a Norwegian
variant of "Margaret." While I am proud of my Scandinavian heritage and
like the fact it was chosen to honor a relative, my life has been full
of mispronunciations (people think it's "Merit"), incorrect spellings
(Martin, Marti, Marie), gender issues, etc. I was hospitalized this year
and my name was spelled in three DIFFERENT incorrect ways on the paperwork!
There is a children's book by Kevin Henkes called "Chrysanthemum" about
a little mouse who loves her name- until she starts school. Definitely
suggested reading for anyone with a little one having a tough time with
an unusual name!!!
of Potential Sarahs Take Heed!
I was browsing
through your site (it's amazing, by the way!) and noticed the article
on why commen names are so annoying. So I figured I'd add my two sense
in, consitering I probably hate commen names more than the next person!
My name is Sara, and it bugs me to death. Since before I can remember,
i've always had an extra adjective added onto my first name as a way to
distinguish myself from other Sara/Sarah's. And since a lot of Sara's
fit the same characteristics, it's quite hard! What's worse is that my
best friend's name is Kara, so people-even close friends and relitives-are
always getting our names mixed up. It's a sweet name, I won't deny it
that, but EVERYONE has that name! I love odd names that no one else would
ever have, and if and when I have children, I will definitly use your
site to pick out the perfect, most unique name I can possibly find! Please
tell your readers to PLEASE DON'T name their daughters Sara/Sarah or any
form of it because althought it's a beautiful name, it was WAY too commen.
Hi My name is pretty simple. But no one can ever pronounce
it right. It's Anna Leah, pronounced Ahna Leeyah. If there are more than
one way to pronounce a name, parents, please be careful!
Modern Eccentric Name"
My son's name is Gosheven. :-) I didn't see it on your list. You're test
is pretty on the mark.
Finally Appreciate my Unusual Name
It took half of my life to really appreciate my name, but after having
heard all the fad and "cute" names I appreciate mine that much more. My
name is Tona (sounds like Daytona). I have never been able to find out
much about it"s origins but it may be an American Indian name. By the
way I'm female and it's not short for anything.
Love the name Kaitlyn!
I named my daughter kaitlyn and spelt it the way you did on
the top of your home page where it says "Please don't name me Kaitlyn".
I love the name and don't fine it too common. I don't think it is nice
to refer to names that are currently being used as some people may take
it to offence. Which I did. It is so difficult to choose a name which
is the reason I went into your site. All in all it is a good site but
the referral to Tyler and Kaitlyn was not nice. I have actually never
heard of a child called Tyler.
pronounce the Name-o-tron Names
re: The Name O Tron
How do you pronounce the names on this thing.. I just got the name Shyeena
sounds like hiena? like the animal? Hahaha! I think your site is great.
It helps me find names for characters in my novels. Maybe there is a use
for Shyeena after all...
with Megan
oh and here's a new way to spell an old favorite... My name is Maegan
(May-gan) it's alot better then Megan or Meagan ( mee-gan or mee-ah-gan)
and my middle name is Rae .. ( My family gave me the nickname MaeRae)
I love my name and i'm glad my parents gave me this unique spelling :)
and when I get older.. ( I'm 20 now) I can always use the more 'Mature'
name of Mae or Maeg. Keep up the good work!
Unique, and Creative Names: Perfect for Cows
Just checked in to your site and thought it was great!!! I
found exactly what I ws looking for and more! I am a Dairy Farmer in Canada
and I name all of my cows. I don't like your regular cow names like "Beulah"
or "Daisy" or going with human sounding names like "Sarah" or "Jane".
I love to be original and unusual but my imagination can only go so far.
I found so many names that will totally suit my cows! Thank you!! We tried
to be somewhat original or different with our boys names (Dylan and Chase)
but it looks like they are fairly trendy too. Oh well! Once again, Thanks
a lot!
New Nerd
I met a baby
in Maryland last year named Delenn. Delenn (female) was a character on
Babylon 5 and I thought it would make a great addition to your "geek"
Don't tell
my friend Corin Anne she's really a boy!
Just to let
you know that the name CORIN is actually a male name as is David or Richard,
and I'm sure you wouldn't recommend these names for a baby girl, so how
about you put the name Corin in it's correct category. You will find the
name has Latin origin if you do a little research on it. I would appreciate
if you made ammend to your error. Thankyou very much.
initials and Unusual Names
My parents have friends that have had both a boy and a girl. The little
boy is Matthias Aaron and the little girl is Guinivere Olivia. Since their
last name is Drabik, the boy is M.A.D. and the girl is G.O.D. : )
Also wanted to mention
that my grandmother's name is Flossie Jane and her mother was Effie Pearl.
They're not funny names, but I think they are certainly unique. My grandmother
goes by Jane, but I still have never heard of another Flossie.
Don't give
your kid a punny name!
Until I was
14 and we moved to a liberal college town in upstate NY, I had no idea
that my name was so common. Suddenly I went from being the only Justin
I knew to being one of four or five Justins in my school. Eventually I
got over it, but it was weird trying to make friends in a new place when
people were constantly mistaking you for someone else. I like my name,
but unfortunately, all my life people have felt the need to make lame
jokes like, "Just-in time!" (as if I've never heard that before.) Once,
my mother dated a man who had a dog named Justin, "Just in case someone
tries to break in." Har de har har. Whatever you do, please don't give
your child a punny name!
relationship with name
I like my name, despite all the problems I get with spelling.
Johna Noelle. I was named after a great-great uncle. I go by my middle
name for the simple reason my Uncle John was very modest and told my mom
that I was not to go by Johna. Of course, I became one of his favorite
nieces. My name sort of annoys me cuz I always have to correct people's
spelling. Most people have a tendency to spell it Noel. Once I even saw
the spelling Nowell! But when told, most people will spell it right afterwards.
And recently, I've had some weird things with Johna. Some people wanna
pronounce it like Jonah (like, when a substitute teacher calls roll),
but it is said like Jahnuh. Some of the people, when seeing my name, automatically
say John! Which really sucks...But, all in all, I really like my name.
I have yet to personally meet another Noelle, and I've never even heard
of another Johna!!!
I must confess, my
name has plagued me all through my childhood and into my adulthood as
well. As a kid, I was taunted with "hospital Ward" or "mental Ward" or
anything like that. Now I am subjected to Steven Ward? "You're a bit young"
or "pimp" or "how is Christine Keeler?" There is one thing though, I won't
change my name as I have grown found of it.
My name
is perfect!
I have the
perfect name, gender- boy
my name is Patch, some
people call me Patches, I'm 29 years old and have never knew anybody else
named Patch. I've never been teased or made fun of, but have had a lot
of compliments on my name because it was so different to other people.
I have had lots of girl friends just because they thought my name was
so different (so they said). I think PATCH for a boy is a cool name and
masculine? even though some called me PATCHES, still cool just doesn't
sound as masculine? I have NO complaint's about my name and would never
change anything about it.
Thanks for listening,
Unusual Names for you to ponder...
Coming from a long line of just a bit off kelter forefathers (myself being
named Ilana, my sister Kaity, and my brother, Bret), I have also decided
on eccentric names for my future children. I felt like I should share
them with other people because they're rather nifty. I should start off
by saying I am also a music fan and a lot of them are related to music.
Krosbi (a variation of David Crosby's name)-m or f, Zappa-
f, Macca- f, Crowe- m, Chasez (pronounced Shazay)-f,
Stilla Rose- f, Karlyle- m or f, Stefani- f, Shanty-
- My
nAMe IS riSE' it'S FrEnch I tHInk! ItS PRonouCEdeD ReEEEssAAAA
- Hello ,
i just read your eccentric names and my name was not on the list so
here it is, "Maeva", meaning welcome in Tahiti.
- More names:
Aubrian, Wynne
- i
have a name that is differant and unusual, how about Chrishonna
- Okey,
for your list of names that weren't originally names. My name is
Ren Larken (birdie). Also, Mei (May), April, June,
March, Reed, Luna, Starr (Some use Tara Starr)
Mercury, Heather (you might have this). That is all I
can think of for now.
I being
Kathy...here are some unusual names I like , maybe you don't have
them listed:&
Anastasia (I was going
to be an Anastasia), Deliya, Contessa, and
not on this site!
I couldn`t find following names on your site:
Moana, Nyala, Naone, Petrella, Gerda
Male: Cedric,
Named Lincoln
One of my close friends...his name is quite unique. His name is Lincoln....we
call him Linc. The name's cute...I thought maybe you'd like to see it.
to Zoe
Another alternative for the name "Zoe" is "Xoi" it
pronounces the same. I made it up my self it can be used for either gender.
unique names of friends
I have friends with unique names: Theta Reed (woman) and Tehani (named
after her parents' honeymoon spot in Hawaii!). My friend Theta says
the women in her family all get unique names: Amaranth, Storm, Starr,
Jorelle, for example. Also what about Atticus? That is my
son's middle name, and I rarely see it anywhere. A couple
I know recently named their daughter Birch.
else named Vierita?
I have never met another Vierita. It was my grandmother's name and
she has pass away. I don't know the meaning of it but it is
pronounced like pie but with a V, Vie / rita
It would be kind of nice to meet someone else with the same name in the
Please Validate
my name!
I'm Neil Joseph Wynne...I hope that's all right!
to Brian
I saw your web-site list for "Alternative Spellings" for names. I read
your intro to unusual names and it hit the nail on the head. I was one
of 7 Jennifer's growing up and I hated it. I always swore my children
would have different names. As of right now I have 3 boys. My oldest is
4 1/2 yr. old, his name is Blake. I thought it wasn't all that popular,
yet not too odd. Then for my second son(2 1/2 yr.) I always liked the
name "Brian". The name has been around for awhile so I knew it wasn't
a "passing fancy". But since it was so common I spelled it different.
B-R-I-E-N. I just had my third son 4 months ago. Since I have 2 boy's
with "B" names I felt I had to do another. You know, to keep the flow
going so. I liked "Bradley", but of course spelled this way: B-R-A-D-L-E-E.
My husband and I plan on having one more sometime. We have already picked
out the name. Boy or girl it will be Braden. Just thought I'd share my
names out of boys' names
hello, my name is Tanya, and I have a daughter that I named after and
uncle who raised me. we were very close and he passed away in 1992, and
when my first daughter was born, I just had to name her after him. His
name was Jose Rolando Reyes, and I wanted to name her Josette Rolanda,
but my ex husband had a problem with the name Josette, so I came up with
another name and we both agreed, we named her Rolanda Rhae after Rolando
Reyes, We had another daughter and I was always pretty sure that someday
I would have twins, and I wanted to name them Justin Lee and Justine Leanne,
well he convinced me that we may never have twins, so I used the name
anyways and went ahead and named our daughter Justeen Leeanne. I wanted
to share this with you since you mention quite a bit on boy names for
girls and vice versa....
My name
is Joddie
My name is Joddie (j-odd-e). It looks like Jodie, but the pronunciation
is focused on the word odd in the name. I have never met anyone else with
my name. My mother made it up, but I always figured that along the way
there would be another Joddie. Just thought maybe you would like to add
it to your list. If you still can't pronounce it try a boy's name--Roddie,
and substitute the R with a J, Joddie. Get it?
Middle Name -Angeree
Hi, My name is Samantha Angeree Martin and I don't think I've ever heard
my middle name anywhere. In fact, my mom told me that she made it up by
combining her name (Angie) and her sister's nickname (Ree). I have always
loved it and was always kind of disappointed that it wasn't my first name.
Anyway, I just thought you'd be interested in it because it wasn't on
your page. Also, my maiden last name is Sedbrook (said-brook). As far
as I know, my family (which is very small) are the only ones with this
name. I believe my father, my uncle, one of their cousins and my brother
are the only ones left with this last name. Anyway, I thought it would
make a great first or middle name for a boy or a girl. What do you think?
I would love it if it got popular.
Unique Spellings using Middle English
I've used a trick once or twice with names I call the Middle English trick.
In ME, 'e' was often used to end a name that would now end with 'a'. For
example, ME Criseyde, ModE Cressida. also 'ye' would be used as both 'a'
and 'ia' sometimes. Thats the most basic. One thing I did was change the
name Ashling into Aesclynye using Old English tricks as well. OE letter
ash, æ (ae combined if that didnt come out) made a sound pretty much like
that that begins the word 'ash'. Sc in both later OE and ME made a 'sh'
sound (I once saw a period document spell the word Chickens 'Schyconys').
The OE word for Ash was actually just Aesc. as for 'ling' becoming 'lynye'
theres the basic y-to-i trick, then the g also becaume a y (g and y seemed
to be interchangeable in ME, like in the Paston letters where they talk
about the poster on the yate [gate]) And then i tacked on an e just for
appearance's sake. Another thing of the ME trick that wasn'y used in Ashling
was the other 'e' trick. E made a sound like 'eh' and can be useed to
replace both a (as I mentioned before) and i. You're Caitlyn example in
ME could be Ketlyn(ne), Daisy could be Deyse, Thomas be Tomaesse...
Love those
Buffy Names
Love your list! but you've forgotten a relatively new genre of nerdy names;
those stemming from my favorite of fave shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
There is, of course, the obvious Buffy, but then you've got tons of female
names such as Anya, Willow, Tara, Drusilla, Cordelia, etc., and of course
male names like Spike, Xander, Giles, Oz, Angel, and Westley. And if you
really want to, you can go to http://www.buffyguide.com/ and pick out
some more. i'm sure there are plenty. those vampires, especially, have
amazingly wonderful names. sorry i can't remember more off the top of
my head.
My favorite show is
Buffy and one of the names I like on there is Riley and I was writing
a story and wanted a female version of that name. I know that Riley has
been used for females as well, but I wanted something unique, so I created
Rylea. Everyone who's read my story loved that name. I've come up with
some pretty interesting names for some of my stories. In one, I named
a female character Victory. I also like the name Sabryn (Say*bren). I
think that's some actress' name or something, but I think it's pretty.
When I was a little girl I used to watch the Ewoks a lot and the little
girl on there was named Cindel which I liked and her real name was Aubree
which is pretty as well. I also like the name Bryanna. And even Ryanna.
You could even spell it with just one n. I also came up with Jania (Ja-nee-uh).
How about Spring for a girl? And I love the name Meadow. And the name
Shania. For a male character in one of my stories, I came up with Ryser.
I also thought a good way to come up with unique names is to use last
names of actors, singers, etc. Like Deniro for example. Something that
would be unique as a first name.
How about Shelva for a girl, like Shelva Lynne, or Shelva Jean? Then about
Jennings for a boy? Or Alva Cecil, was my grandfathers name. enjoy.
pet form of Elizabeth
Hi, You didn't have my favorite pet version of Elizabeth listed,
so I thought I would email it to you instead - I like Lily the best of
all the short/nicknames!
to be a 31-year old Caitlin
As a 31 year-old Caitlin, I have always loved my unique and interesting
name. The fact that it is now the butt of all your over-used name barbs
is painful. While I regret having to share my name with so many echo boomers,
I am happy for those little girls who can now find their name on the pre-printed
barrettes, stickers, pencils and other monogrammed items. My middle name
remains unique -- I have yet to meet another Caitlin Gwynne. And my brother's
name -- Roald -- may never hit the top 10 list. Although I am resigned
to the fact that I now have a common name, I am hopeful that it will give
me "youth" when I am in my 40's, and I await the first Hurricane by the
same name (I hope they spell it right, too).
Unique Name: Reneka Fasha
hi my names is Raeneka Fasha ( ray nee ka fosha). My mom told me that
my middle name,and the most commonly used of the two, is Italion for "wrapped
in a bundle of love". I just wanted to share that with you. I've decided
that my first child would be named Marqynn Winter Ariana. And since I'm
convinced I'm going to have twins ( aboy and a girl, basically because
multiple births is common amoung my family... i have a twin) her brother
will be Marquez Wintrll Armon.
name suggestions: Keria & Sterling
One little girl that I know is named Sterling. I think that is a unusual
and pretty name. A girl I know over the Inernet is named Keria. I've never
heard that one before, but it is a great name, also.
i just noticed u didnt have my name on there. its delia but in ireland
it might translate to bridget
Trek Fans with a baby
On May 17th of this year we had our first daughter and named her Ezri
Anaj Belding. Ezri should be a bit obvious since she was the replacement
on DSN for Jadzia Dax in the last season. Anaj was originally from ST
Insurrection, named after the female lead character. Come to find out
we remembered the name incorrectly (but still liked our spelling so we
settled on a made-up name) and the correct name is Anj (instead of a long
"A" sound for both, it's pronounced "Ann-E-ge"). According to www.startrek.com
the character name is spelled Anij, but in the credits of Insurrection,
it's Anj.