Scottish Translations of Foreign Names


This page is for names that have been taken from other sources (Bible, English names, Norse names etc.) and adopted into the Gaelic name pool. You may find a translation of your name on this page! 

Note: not every name can be translated into Gaelic. Most of the names that are translatable are either biblical, the names of saints, or names of English and Norman settlers that became adopted into the naming pool. Modern names (i.e., names that came into common English use in the past couple of centuries, like Melissa, Tanya, and Jason) generally cannot be translated.

We have them divided by Women's Names and Men's Names.

Men's Names

Name Gaelic Form Pronunciation Origin Meaning See Also
Adam Adhamh AW guv Hebrew ’red earth’
Adam (dim) Adaidh AH tee dim. of Adhamh
Alexander Alasdair AL us ter Greek Defender of Mankind Alex
Alex; Alec Aili; Ailig; Ailigean AL lee; AL ik; AL ik an Greek dims. of Alasdair Alexander
Ambrosius Ambros AM bros Greek immortal; divine
Andrew Anndra; Aindrea AWN dra; EN dra Greek manly
Archie Eàirsidh ER tchee old German true and bold often associated with Gilleasbaig
Bartholemew Pàrlan PAWR lun Hebrwe abounding in furrows
Bill, Billy Billean; Buillidh BIL yin; BOOL ee Old German Dim. of Uilleam influenced by Bill(y) William
Brendan Breannan; Brianan BREN nun; BREE un nan Welsh Prince
Calvin Cailbhin KAL vin Old French Bald
Christopher Crìsdean; Criostal KREESH jun; KRIS tul Greek Christ-bearing Chris
Clement Cliaman KLI mus Latin mild; Merciful
Columba Calum; Colum CAL lum; COL um Latin Dove
Columba Caluman KA lu man Latin Dim. of Calum
Constantine Còiseam KOSH um Latin
Cuthbert Cùithbeirt COOY bersht; COOY bertch Old English bright and renowned
Cuthbert Cùithbreith KOOY brey Old English a form of Cùithbeirt
Cyrus Greig GRAEG Persian sun
Edmund Eamann AE mun Old English happy protection
Edward Eideard; Eudard AE jard; EH dard Old English wealthy guardian
Edwulf Eadalf EH dulf Old English
Francis Frang FRANK Latin a French man Frank
Frank Frangan FRANK an Latin dim. of Frang Francis
Gavin Gabhan GA vun Welsh -
George Seòrsa; Deòrsa SHORE sa; JOR sa Greek Farmer
Gil Gibidh GEE bee Old German dim. of Gilleabart Gilbert
Gilbert Gilleabart GIL la burt Old German bright pledge or hostage Gil
Godfrey Goraidh GAU ree Norse God’s peace
Gordon Gòrdan GOR dun Old Welsh super fort
Graham Greum GRE um English
Gregory Griogair; Griogal GRI ger; GRI gal Greek watchman
Hamelin Eamailinn EM el in Old English
Harold Earail; Harailt EH rel; HA reltch Old German via Norse army-rule
Henry Eanrig YOW rik; EN rik Old German home ruler
Hercules Iorcall YOR kull; EER kull Greek ?
Hilarius/Hilary Ealair Eh ler Latin cheerful
Isaac Iosag EE sak Hebrew laughter
Ivarr Iomhar EE vur Norse
Jack Deoc; Deocan JOHK; JOHKan Hebrew via Danish dims. of Seoc influences by Jenkin John
James Seumas; Siamas SHAE mus; SHEE a mas Hebrew the supplanter? Jamie
Jamie Seuman; Siamaidh SHAE man; SHI mee Hebrew dims. of Seumas James
Joe; Joey Eòs; Eòsaidh; Seòsaidh YOS; YOS ee;SHO see Hebrew dims. of Eòsaph Joseph
John Seathan; Eòin; Iain; Seon SHEH hun; {YO in; O in}; {EE in; EE ayn}; SHON Hebrew God is gracious Jack; Johnny
Johnny; Jackie Iagan; Seocan; Seonaidh;Teig;Teonaidh {EE uk an; AE uk an}; SHOK an; SHON ee; TSCAEK; TCHO nee Hebrew dim. of Iain John. Jack
Jonathan Eònasdan; Seonachan YO nus tun; SHON uk an Hebrew God has given
Joseph Eòsaph; Seòsaph YO suf; SHO suf Hebrew God increases Joey
Laurence Labhrainn; Labhras LAUW renn; LAUW rus Latin Laurel
Lucas Lucàs LOO kus Latin man from Lucania Luke
Luke Lùc LOOK Latin dim. of Lucàs Lucas
Magnus Manas MA nus Latin Great
Marcus Marcas MAR cas Latin Roman God of War
Marcus; Mark Marc MARK Latin dim. of Marcas Marcus
Martin Màrtainn MARS tinn Latin one of Mars (war god)
Matthew Mata MAH ta Hebrew gift of God
Michael Mìcheal MEE chul Hebrew Who is like God? Mike
Mike Mìchean MEE chan Hebrew dim. of Mìcheal Michael
Mungo Mungan MOON gun Old Welsh beloved; amiable
Nicholas Niocal; Neacal NIK ul;NEK ul Greek Victory of the people
Olaf Olghar O luh ghur Norse ancestor-relic
Otto Oitir AUH tcheer Norse prosperity
Pat; Paddy Pàd; Pàidean; Para PAW jan; PA ra Latin dim. of Pàdraig; Pàraig Patrick
Patrick Pàdraig; Pàraig; Pàdair PAW drik; PAW rik; PAW ter Latin nobleman Pat
Paul Pòl; Pàl POL; PAWL Latin small
Pete Peadrus PE trus Hebrew dim. of Peadar Peter
Peter Peadar; Peadailt; Peadail PE tur; PE telcht; Pe tel Aramaic rock Pete
Richard Ridseard; Ruiseart RI tchurt;ROO shurt Old German firm rule Richie
Richie Risnidh RISH nee Old German dim. of Ridseard Richard
Rob; Robbie Rob; Roban; Robaidh ROB;ROB an; ROB ee Old German dims. Of Roibeard Robert
Robert Raibeart RA berst; RA bert Old German fame-bright Robbie
Roger Roidsear ROJ er Old German spear of fame
Ronald Raghnall; Ràghnall; Raoghalt ROOL; RAWL;ROO ult Norse counsel rule Ronny
Ronny Ronaidh RON ee Norse dim. of Raghnall Ronald
Philip Filip FIL lip Greek lover of horses
Quinton Caointean KOON tchun Latin Fifth
Sandy; Sandaidh SAN dee Greek dim. of Alasdair influenced by Sandy Alexander; Alex
Sigtryggr Sitric SHEE trik Norse true victory
Simon Sim SHEEM Hebrew hearing
Simon (dim.) Simish SHEEM ee Hebrew dim. of Sim Simon
Solomon Solamh SOH luv Hebrew peaceable
Somerled Somhairle SOH er leh Norse summer wanderer
Stephen Steafan STE fun; SHTE fun Greek laurel
Stewart Stiùbhart SHTOO urst; SHTOO urt Old English steward
Sven Suain SOO eyn Norse strong youth
Thomas Tòmas; Tàmhas TO mus; TAW as Greek twin Tom
Tom; Tommy Tòm; Tòmachan;Tomaidh TOME;TOHM uh chan;TOM ee Greek dims. of Tòmas Thomas
Wally Bhàididh VAW jee old German Dim. of Bhaltair Walter
Walter Bhaltair;Bhàtair; Bàtair VAL tar; VA tar; BA tar Old German ruler of people Wally
William Uilleam OOL I um Old German will-helmet Bill; Willie
Willie Uillidh; Uilleachan WIL lee; OOL luch an Old German dims. of Uilleam William
Uskakr Uspaig OOS pek Norse unruly one
Zachary Sgaire SKAW ra Hebrew Jehovah is renowned
  Women's Names