Unusual Names from 1914

Name Nerds main

I was going through the top 7000 of 1914, and I came across some doozies! I included the number of babies given each name that year, just so you know how popular they were at the time. that Here is a list of them:

Admiral 7
Albirdia 5
Alcee 6
Alder 5
Algie 25
Alfhild 7
Almond 17
Algie 6
Alto 16
Aloha 5
Arch 32
Arkie 12
Argle 5
Asilee 6
Aster 6
Australia 5
Author 19
Axie 9
Bland 7
Babe 8
Bluford 9
Beadie 12
Boots 8
Beauty 6
Bosie 6
Belzora 5
Brace 5
Birda 12
Branch 6
Blanchie 21
Brownie 11
Blondie 5
Bunk 5
Blondina 6
Bunnie 5
Borghild 30
Capers 5
Canary 8
Champ 18
Capitola 25
Champion 9
Cinderella 6
Clearance 7
Clorene 8
Cola 7
Colon 5
Coyt 7
Corona 5
Crit 7
Countess 6
Delphis 6
Cozy 5
Dink 5
Cula 6
Dude 5
Dimple 33
Elba 12
Doll 10
Elester 5
Doyce 5
Ell 5
Earie 6
Elra 5
Erie 24
Emit 6
Ethelyne 14
Ercole 7
Eureka 5
Ether 5
Fairy 46
Fair 5
Fallie 5
Fed 6
Ferol 10
Ferd 14
Finis 5
Fonzie 5
Fleta 36
Fount 6
Flonnie 40
Foy 41
Floride 6
France 6
Floy 150
Frances 77
Forestine 5
Fread 7
Fozie 5
French 18
France 9
Garl 6
Fronie 18
Gernie 5
Gatha 7
Glade 10
Gazella 5
Gloyd 5
Gerturde 5
Golden 40
Girlie 16
Goldie 17
Girtha 11
Gust 31
Glee 8
Hammie 5
Gola 13
Hamp 17
Gustie 7
Handy 8
Hasty 5
Harce 5
Hiawatha 7
Harm 11
Isolene 7
Hezzie 9
Lassie 16
Hoke 18
Leafy 8
Hood 5
Leaner 6
Hosey 5
Leather 8
Kern 5
Lempi 16
Key 5
Loris 18
Kinnie 6
Lousie 5
Laddie 23
Luby 5
Lankford 5
Lummie 6
Lebaron 5
Maple 18
Lecil 5
Mayo 11
Leldon 5
Mayola 23
Less 8
Media 9
Letcher 11
Mennie 21
Limmie 5
Mescal 5
Loris 11
Milbrey 5
Lubert 5
Mintie 5
Luby 5
Narcissus 8
Luster 19
Nerva 5
Mance 9
Ninnie 5
Manly 9
Nobie 12
Manual 9
Nodie 5
Math 6
Nondas 8
Merchant 6
Ocie 99
Metro 23
Octa 6
Miner 12
Oddie 9
Moody 18
Okie 6
Moultrie 8
Okla 10
Norfleet 7
Olgie 5
Nute 5
Orbie 8
Oddie 6
Oval 6
Okey 23
Pebble 5
Olden 8
Pencie 6
Orange 12
Pretto 5
Other 7
Rushie 11
Ozro 8
Saint 6
Penrose 5
Salvatrice 10
Pink 23
Santa 59
Pleasant 9
Saxon 7
Plummer 11
Signora 6
Pope 5
Sister 21
Ruble 8
Smithie 10
Rural 5
Sudie 84
Seab 6
Swannie 5
Searcy 7
Sweetie 12
Sears 7
Tempie 29
Singleton 6
Texie 8
Smiley 8
Thurley 6
Smith 45
Tishie 5
Snow 5
Tossie 6
Spurgeon 32
Toy 9
Square 9
Vassie 17
Squire 8
Vaudie 6
Starling 11
Velvie 8
Talley 5
Verbal 5
Tandy 7
Vicie 18
Tench 5
Viney 11
Tennis 5
Virgin 7
Thelmer 9
Vista 11
Thure 6
Vollie 6
Thurl 8
Walsie 8
Tip 5
Wavie 8
Tivis 5
Wealthy 7
Tobe 10
Wessie 9
Toy 21
Wintress 5
Twyman 6
Yetive 6
Uno 11

Valley 7

Vane 8

Vardie 6

Vermon 6

Veto 8

Villa 7

Vollie 7

Wales 5

Wash 23

White 11

Wince 6

Wister 5

Zell 5

Zenith 5