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**Disclaimer** Before you start sending me heaps of nasty e-mails saying things like "We are going to name out next child Bich Anoi Kaemoxmith if it's a girl, and Ack Oral Tutu if it's a boy, and I'd appreciate it if you didn't ridicule these perfectly decent names," think about this: I am writing this with the point of view of an average English speaking American, which is the group that these baby name books are aimed at. I acknowledge that many of these names may be beautiful, popular and well-loved in other countries and languages, but most Americans would probably not choose to use them. Thus said, here are the lists! Click here for the girls' list and here for the Boys' list.
Adorna | Blom | DiDi | Fluta | Issy | Lubba | Morta | Peace | Quartas | Satin | Terzilla | Virg |
Ag | Bobijo | Divan | Fonda | JaDeana | Lucky | My | Peachie | Queenation | Saxe | Thadine | Vignette |
Agape | Bride | Divine | Fontanne | Jac-E | Lurling | Myrrha | Pearleen | Queenie | Saxona | Thrace | Violante |
Aggri | Brosy | Dixil | Fortuna | Jaxine | Lycoris | Myrtilla | Pelag | Quenburga | Scarlette | Tibbie | Viridis |
Ai | Brucie | Docile | Fredella | Jawn | Mab | Mystee | Pellinore | Quest | Scione | Tiki | Virola |
Algiane | C'Ceal | Doll | Froda | Jaymylynne | Madonella | Narda | Pen | Quiterie | Secunda | Tippie | Virtue |
Aloha | Camel | Domino | Gatha | Jazz | Madre | Naralie | Penthea | Ragnborg | Sharlamaine | Topaza | Volta |
Aloys | Cameo | Dorita | Gay | Jennasee | Mag | Nebula | Pepper | Rainbeaux | Shaundee | Torborg | Voris |
Alpha | Caresse | Dorlisa | Genie | Jenniphe | Maggin | Neff | Perfect | Ralpha | Shi | Tourmaline | Wa |
Alphonsine | Chalice | Doto | Geranium | Jestine | Magnetta | Neith | Pette | Ran | Shug | Traviata | Wagner |
Am | Chamelea | Drinka | Glad | Jewelyn | Maighdlin | Nellis | Petal | Rant-cho-wai-me | Sib | Trickia | Walpurga |
Amalbergis | Chanter | Drosophila | Glaucopis | Jinx | Majesty | Nelma | Phalosa | Rapa | Signale | Trinidette | Wandie |
Ame | Chiquita | Dua | Glee | Jo-Anie | Manette | Nemophila | Phantasia | Rastus | Silence | Trivia | Wandis |
Amorette | Chlorie | Duayna | Goma | Joannanette | Mangina | Nenemoosha | Phil | Ravine | Silver | Trix | Warda |
Ancelin | Chow | Duscha | Grissely | Juci | Marine | Neo | Photine | Reason | Simba | Troth | Wawa |
Ancelot | Claramae | Dustine | Guda | Juh | Marionette | Nixie | Philomel | Rebela | Simonette | Tryphena | Wealthy |
Angadresma | Clearista | Dys | Gunda | Jynice | Marky | Nordica | Pieta | Reef | Siren | Tytan | Weetamoo |
Anoi | Cleti | Earley | Gusty | Kaemoxmith | Marvel | Novella | Piton | Regula | Smantha | U | Welcome |
Aprilette | Cleopatra | Easter | Gwendi | Karka | Marvelyn | Nyx | Placidia | Rew | Sneeuwe | Uarda | Welda |
Argyria | Clyte | Eglantine | Gytha | Kashmir | Mauve | O'Neill | Platona | Rhode | Solitaria | Ulva | Whoopi |
Arnoldine | Cola | Ekko | Haggi | Kennis | Maybull | Octavie | Plotina | Ricadonna | Sook | Uno | Willabelle |
Artha | Comfort | Elata | Halcyonella | Kentiggerma | Mead | Obie | Poll | Rigborg | Soulle | Ursie | Wortha |
Asian | Conception (not Concepción, the Spanish name) | Elboa | Happy | Khrystalline | Media | Ocareena | Pollyanna | Rimma | Spica | Ut | Xanthippe |
Aspasia | Constancy | Ellitie | Hebe | Kissa | Meingoldas | Ode | Porsche | Robertha | Spice | Utica | Xenelasia |
Autonoe | Corona | Emmalei | Hepzi | Koko | Menorah | Oeberron | Prane | Robinette | Startish | Utta | Xylophila |
Baal | Countess | Encratis | Hermaphrodite | Korny | Merrily | Omega | Price | Roch | Sturnella | Vacuna | Yaa |
Bab | Coy | Engelberta | Hermette | Krystleleah | Merta | Opportuna | Princessa | Romaine | Sunni | Valborga | Yedda |
Bao-yo | Crescent | Ermentrude | Hindey | Kulukulutea | Meta | Ops | Printemps | Royale | Swana | Vale | Ylla |
Baptista | Crispa | Estra | Hitty | Labertha | Micole | Oralie | Prissy | Rubette | Swanhilda | Vangy | Yow |
Barbo | Critta | Etheljean | Ho | Lake | Midget | Orange | Proba | Rubelet | Symbola | Vanitty | Yung |
Barta | D'Or | Fanchie | Hopey | Lan | Mill | Ordrick | Pruddie | Rudelle | Tabby | Vedette | Zel |
Basty | Dahl | Fantasy | Hosanna | Lassie | Mini | Orel | Prunella | Ruperta | Tally | Vega | Zenarva |
Bathsheba | Daralice | Favor | Hughette | Le | Mirth | Ortrud | Psyche | Sacajawea | Tangerine | Velour | Zenobie |
Begga | Dayaa | Fayre | Hunny | Leopoldeen | Mlo | Ottie | Publia | Sanctity | Tanka | Velvet | Zephyrine |
Bee | Delicia | Faythe | Huynh | Lesbia | Mocha | Ouidette | Pulcheria | Saga | Tawnie | Ventura | Zine |
Bich | Delight | Fealty | Ib | Letha | Modeste | Pagett | Puma | Saint | Te | Vernole | Zircona |
Binney | Delphi | Fifine | Iberia | Lide | Mol | Palmer | Puppa | Salaid | Teal | Verta | Ziz |
Bird | Desire | Flair | Idola | Light | Monca | Paryss | Purl | Sale | Tempa | Vevay | Zonne |
Bittan | Dhu | Florida | Imagina | Lis | Mondae | Paule | Pyrene | Santa | Templa | Victoire | Zore |
Blenda | Dicklit | Floyce | Indee | Love | Monteene | Pax | Qandi | Sappho | Tendora | Victrola | Zylota |
Abboid | Birdsey | Dalrymple | Fayette | Harty | Jock | Loron | Munny | Pain | Purdy | Senior | Toole |
Ack | Birtle | Dandy | Feri | Hashish | Johathe | Lothario | Murdock | Painter | Purvance | Septimus | Torkel |
Ad | Black | Dang | Festus | Hazard | Joop | Loyal | Mwla | Pall | Quaashie | Severance | Traylor |
Adelbold | Bland | Datus | Fifi | Haze | Jovita | Lucretius | Mynne | Park | Quartus | Sextus | Trimountain |
Ado | Bliss | Deems | Finis | Hebe | Jupp | Ludger | Nala | Parley | Querard | Shady | Trumble |
Aeolus | Bonar | Demosthenes | Fitzclarence | Heine | Junior | Lumen | Naldo | Parmalee | Quercus | Shafter | Tryg |
Agni | Bookie | Demp | Fleming | Hendy | Jur | Lung | Nam | Parmenius | Quilisma | Shangobunni | Tug |
Agnus | Boot | Dent | Flip | Herminius | Kaiser | Lunt | Nappy | Pate | Quirinus | Sharkey | Tung |
Ahab | Bord | Devine | Flo | Hermy | Keb | Lut | Narcissus | Patrocles | Quixote | Shep | Tut |
Ajax | Bothe | Dingbang | Flobert | Hi | Keira | Lymphoid | Nard | Patsy | Rabbi | Shet | Tutu |
Alaa | Brainard | Dinko | Floss | Hiawatha | Kemp | Mace | Narve | Pax | Radd | Shy | Tyee |
Alf | Branch | Dixie | Folker | Hieronymous | Kenakuk | Maginbert | Nav | Peabody | Ranger | Siffre | Tyke |
Algy | Brew | Dob | Fonzie | Hippolytus | Key | Major | Nazareth | Pelex | Rangle | Sigismundus | Ubald |
Alpha | Briny | Dole | Foy | Ho | Kidd | Maksymilian | Needham | Pell | Ransom | Sigma | Uno |
Alpine | Brutus | Dong | Frang | Hod | King | Mallett | Nemo | Penn | Rapho | Sim | Ur |
Ambler | Bucko | Doter | Freeborn | Hodge | Kinman | Manchester | Neptune | Penrod | Rapier | Sincero | Uranus |
Anis | Bunker | Dove | Frick | Honestus | Kiyiyah | Manchu | Newby | Peopeo Hihhih | Ras | Sing | Urban |
Anstruther | Burden | Drud | Frid | Hoover | Klah | Manger | Nike | Peopeo Moxmox | Rathbone | Skeeter | Vail |
Anty | Butcher | Dude | Gal | Hop | Knight | Mango | Nil | Peppi | Redpath | Skegg | Vald |
Apollo | Camp | Dukie | Gall | Hophne | Kong | Mangold | Nimrod | Perc | Regulus | Skippie | Valu |
Arche | Cappi | Dutch | Gardette | Hortensius | Koopnee | Manly | Ninus | Pervis | Restore | Socrates | Van Dyke |
Archobaldo | Car | Dwinelle | Garibaldi | Howe | Korb | Manville | Nnamdi | Petter | Rice | Solve | Vedie |
Ardillo | Cataline | Dyke | Garland | Hu | Kub | Maolbheannachta | Noby | Peveril | Rilus | Son | Ventura |
Argyle | Challenger | Earn | Gayelord | Hube | Kunz | March | Noll | Phao | Rochester | Spangler | Vihs |
Armistice | Chancellor | Eb | Gelasius | Hud | Kyubong | Marcy | Nova | Philander | Rockle | Spash | Viking |
Armour | Charlemagne | Ebert | Generoso | Humps | Laddie | Markcuss | Nugent | Photius | Rollo | Spear | Virginius |
Asbrand | Chevy | Eeshakonee | Gib | Hunt | Lahpeealoot | Marmaduke | Numps | Pickford | Romain | Speed | Wace |
Ashfrod | Chik | Ega | Giffy | Hurlbut | Lap | Mars | Odalric | Pierrepont | Rover | Spurgeon | Webley |
Atholl | Cicero | Egide | Gig | Hyacinth |
Laverock |
Marsh | Odd | Pilgrim | Roxbury | Spyke | Welfare |
Axe | Clendenning | Elder | Gildo | Hyde | Lay | Marvell | Odic | Pinky | Rube | Sting | Whistler |
Balbo | Clerk | Elix | Glad | Ib | Lefty | Mayne | Odion | Pista | Ruff | Stoke | Whitelaw |
Balder | Cleve | Elworthy | Glade | Ibald | Leger | Mellon | Odinus | Pitt | Rugby | Strephon | Wit |
Bannister | Cloud | Ensign | Goda | Ide | Lepeet Hessemdooks | Melva | Odolf | Placyd | Rumleigh | Syena | Wlodzimierz |
Barn | Clyph | Erigene | Godine | Ikey | Letchworth | Mentor | Og | Plantagenet | Rust | Tacitus | Worth |
Bartholomaus | Coffie | Esculapius | Grosvenor | Ince | Like | Mergus | Oghe | Platon | Rye | Taffy | Wythe |
Base | Collie | Essex | Guernsey | Increase | Lindo | Merryman | Oh-oh-e-sa-to-who | Plaudo | Sad | Tancred | Xanthine |
Bat | Cola | Euclid | Grenville | Ing | Link | Methushelach | OJ | Poldo | Salmon | Tarn | Xychus |
Beachy | Columbus | Eugenius | Gur | Inen Toxxouke | Linux | Miner | Oley | Polk | Salvo | Tartan | Xylon |
Belva | Constant | Eustache | Guybert | Ion | Lion | Mithra | On | Pollux | Sambo | Teller | Yancy |
Bendix | Converse | Ewhen | Gytha | Ionel | Lister | Modesto | Oral | Polo | Savy | Temple | Yarb |
Bent | Cotton | Eyre | Hagbert | Iye | Lithium | Mogue | Orestes | Pompey | Saw | Tennis | Yo |
Beppo | Coventry | Fairchild | Haggy | Ja | Lnard | Mojag | Orji | Pony | Sax | Thane | Yule |
Beta | Creed | Falco | Halex | Jada | Lobo | Mongo | Opie | Primus | Say | Thong | Zdzislaw |
Beveridge | Crepin | Fane | Halfdan | Jamesie | Lock | Montreal | O'Reilly | Prince | Scipio | Thorpe | Zelator |
Bick | Crispo | Far | Hall | Januarius | Long | More | Oslac | Probert | Scorpio | Tibble | Zenith |
Bily | Crites | Fark | Ham | Jemmy | Looney | Morehead | Otte | Proctor | Seaforth | Tiffany | Zo |
Binky | Cunibert | Farmer | Hamo | Jermyn | Lootah | Moss | Oystein | Proteus | Seb | Tirey | Zoroaster |
Bion | Dalieass | Farquy | Hardie | Jex | Lord | Motley | Oz | Prudent | Secundo | Toirdhealbhach | Zurr |