Popular Names in Wales


Here are the top 30 baby names for Wales in 2007, compiled from the UK National Statistics Office. Most of these names are not of Welsh origin; names that are of Welsh origin are highlighted in red.

Top 30 Names in Wales, 2007
rank Boys Girls
1 Jack Ruby
2 Dylan Megan
3 Thomas Grace
4 Joshua Chloe
5 Rhys Emily
6 Daniel Ffion
7 Ethan Olivia
8 Oliver Seren
9 William Ella
10 James Sophie
11 Morgan Lily
12 Samuel Ellie
13 Alfie Jessica
14 Charlie Mia
15 Callum Erin
16 Harry Lucy
17 Lewis Evie
18 Evan Caitlin
19 Ryan Katie
20 Jacob Amelia
21 Joseph Carys
22 Jayden Hannah
23 Logan Molly
24 Cameron Millie
25 Jake Nia
26 Kian Amy
27 Benjamin Madison
28 Liam Isabella
29 Tyler Cerys
30 Owen Isabelle