Baby Names of the Rich and/or Famous

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Like it or not, celebrities are a major force behind name popularity. For example, before Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt named kids Knox and Maddox, who had heard of those names? In 2016, Maddox was #134 and Knox was #250 (plus spawned a long-form: Knoxton). The year before Maddox was born, the name was at #750. Knox was at #818. Other names that have seen rises in popularity likely due to famous parents are: Cruz, Bear, Everly, and Saint.

Here are the names of some celebrities' (included are musicians, actors, writers, historical figures, various types of athletes, scientists etc.) children, young and old. Some "celebrity babies" are old enough to have their own children and grandchildren these days-- follow the generational naming trends!

we have them listed by Baby Name: A B C D E F G H-I  J  K L M N OPQ R S T UVWXYZ
and also by Celebrity:    A-B  C-D EFG  HIJ  K-L MN OPQ R ST U-Z

We have the most recent additions listed by year:

2015 2016 2017
2012 2013 2014
2009 2010 2011
2006 2007 2008